I'm a parent who feels I'm getting too angry too often

Anger Management

What do I do when I try to be calm, but I go from 0 to 100 in a heartbeat?

When you want to be calm, but you just keep getting triggered.

Most people think that their external environment (like their children misbehaving) needs to change so that they can change their internal environment.

A lot of parents think that if they can just control their child’s behaviour, they will feel better, calmer and more composed. We hear this all the time – “Maybe if my child would just do as they are told, I wouldn’t have to lose it."

However if it were the event that triggered anger, wouldn't all parents feel angry when faced with challenging situation?   

The reason why we feel the way we do is a direct result of how we think. Habits of perceiving life have been created through repetition and consistency over time, just like bad eating habits, or your fitness levels. 

The PSC helps you to identify the real cause of anger in parenting by understanding 'what must I be thinking to be feeling this way?'  

We help you to identify and change perceptions that cause you to personalise your child's behaviour and react to it, and we teach you all the tools and approaches you'll need to train yourself to be the calm parent you always wanted to be.  

Check out our signature 28 day program that specifically focusses on 'taming your temper' in a non-judgemental way. 

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Upcoming Courses & Programs

Next Round Starting Soon
Finally, a program that helps both parents and their autistic child reduce stress and improve their mental health.
Suitable for parents of autistic children aged three years right into adulthood.

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28 Day Challenge
For parents raising babies and toddlers.
Want to stop the cycle of loving motherhood one minute, resenting it the next, and feeling completely overwhelmed? You're not alone, and it doesn't have to be this way.

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28 Day program.
Heart-brain science that teaches you to calm the nervous system and retrain the brain into calmer parenting. Awakening the Peaceful Parent Within is much more than a parenting program. Peaceful parenting will become the natural result as you transform your inner world. It will change all your relationships, your work, how you set and achieve goals and how you enjoy your life.

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28 Day Challenge
How to stop anger, impatience and frustration from dominating your relationship with your children! Do you end your days feeling guilty and ashamed for yelling, smacking, over-reacting or being mean to your children? Are you ready to stop beating yourself up over getting angry every day and take action to change?

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Our Happy Parents

Angela Aschberger Testimonial

I found the Parental Stress Centre through Facebook at a time where I felt stressed, angry and unappreciated in my life.
Feeling like I had nothing to lose, I initially took on the 28 Day Tame Your Temper challenge, which completely changed my view of my children and my family. This inspired me to complete further courses with PSC over the following months and I can feel and see the benefits in my life every day. I am closer to my children and my husband, and feel like I can cope with life even when it doesn’t go to plan.

I’m very grateful to the PSC for the huge improvement in my life and my relationship. I can’t speak highly enough of their work.

Emma Bonnar Testimonial

I really want to thank u Donna and Jackie. I have recently completed the 28 Day Tame Your Temper Challenge and have been working my way through the MMCL Challenge.

Yesterday we had a day without any challenges from my son. The first since I can ever remember and he is now 11. We have also been discussing with him some issues that would normally set off a big tantrum and because we are communicating again without everyone shouting we have been able to resolve some things calmly by discussing them.

Please don’t think it’s perfect. We r still getting some back chat but since I have been ignoring this back chat and just responding well to the good bits and reminding him that I can’t hear him when he shouts and tantrums and it doesn’t get him his own way, things are really starting to improve.

My husband was starting to become a skeptic but promised he would continue to do it this way for now. And yesterday he said “You’re right Em. It’s really working. From 2 desperate parents. Thanku.

Katie Fiatarone Testimonial

The PSC has brought something to my family’s life that I can’t even begin to explain. There is no thankyou in the world big enough to say how grateful I am to Jackie and her team. The PSC’s advice and strategies are realistic and their ongoing support is invaluable. Jackie’s programs have been a real game changer for me! Thanks PSC!

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