Emma Bonnar

I really want to thank u Donna and Jackie. I have recently completed the 28 Day Tame Your Temper Challenge and have been working my way through the MMCL Challenge.

Yesterday we had a day without any challenges from my son. The first since I can ever remember and he is now 11. We have also been discussing with him some issues that would normally set off a big tantrum and because we are communicating again without everyone shouting we have been able to resolve some things calmly by discussing them.

Please don’t think it’s perfect. We r still getting some back chat but since I have been ignoring this back chat and just responding well to the good bits and reminding him that I can’t hear him when he shouts and tantrums and it doesn’t get him his own way, things are really starting to improve.

My husband was starting to become a skeptic but promised he would continue to do it this way for now. And yesterday he said “You’re right Em. It’s really working. From 2 desperate parents. Thanku.