Live and Self-paced
Parenting Programs
Including the 9-week Autism Parenting Program
We get you
Whatever your story, we get to the heart of how to alleviate parental stress & improve child behaviour.
The PSC is designed specifically to help you understand and deal with yours and your child’s stress at a grassroots level.
How you and your child think about life results in how you both feel and behave. Change your thinking and you’ll change your behaviour and the emotions felt.
We provide science-backed education, practical techniques and self-empowerment with no judgement.
We'll help you feel confident about what to do in any challenging situation; help reduce your stress, feel better about yourself personally and as a parent.
As parents ourselves, we live and breathe what we teach, but also make mistakes too, so you'll never feel we are teaching from a pedestal of perfection.
Click on the link below to get a taste of how we can help you.

I’m a parent of...
0-24 months
A toddler aged
2-4 years
A child aged
5-11 years
A child aged
Issues I am struggling with as a parent...
Upcoming Courses & Programs
28 Day Challenge (for parents of school aged children, including teens).
How to teach your children to WANT to co-operate. How to communicate with your child so they stop ignoring you and start co-operating so you no longer have to yell to get results!
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What parents just like you have to say

Thanks so much Jackie. This has been transformational! I’ve really enjoyed your realistic, down to earth approach and candid videos, you deliver all this info in a way that people can really relate to. My mind has been blown repeatedly. I’m proud of the change I can feel in myself, and excited for the changes I can begin to see in my kids (and my husband)! Well done for creating such an amazing program. I truly believe you are doing such a wonderful thing for parents of future generations!!

With the roadmap Jackie has given me, I feel equipped to appropriately address whatever gets thrown my way. The tools Jackie shares have been priceless and are grounded in sound science. I would highly recommend this program to any parent wishing for deeper connection with and understanding of their child and a smoother, more joy-filled existence.

When I had my second child I went to a dark place that I could not get myself out of. I knew I did not want to feel this way and had to do something. I thought I was failing in every aspect of my life and was just completely hopeless. Having completed the Postnatal depression & anxiety course i can say my life has been completely turned around. I have learnt to love & respect myself & to embrace every challenge in life. I am so much more understanding & compassionate towards others now. Iv learnt that my life will have ups & downs but I have the personal strength & knowledge to get through any experience.