Stuff it! What’s the point?

Ever feel this way?  You try and try and try to do the 'right' thing, but you just end up failing....or at least that's how you see it.

The danger in this language is that it is often associated with depression.

The belief system behind depression is when you have attached your self-worth to a particular identity you are 'supposed' to live up to or a way life was supposed to go. You keep trying to get your life 'right' in this way, but you wind up experiencing the opposite of what you want, leaving you feeling worthless, hopeless, useless or that life itself is of less value.

Repetition of this perspective in life, leads to you finding more and more evidence of it being true, which makes you feel even worse! What's needed is a complete change in viewpoint about life, and more importantly a change in your viewpoint about self-worth.

Depression sufferers need to learn that life doesn't always go to plan and that doesn't mean anything about your self-worth - it's just a part of life.

The reality is that we are all learning, growing, and experiencing highs and lows. Our lows are our learning points or our turning points. So what is this experience trying to teach you?

As soon as you stop reflecting on how worthless these events make you feel, and instead start focusing on what it's teaching you or what you have to do next, you will start to feel better. 


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