No Time Out? Then This Post Is For You.

Time becomes a luxury when you are a parent, but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy time for yourself.

But here's the problem....

You know how I always say that what you put your attention on expands in that direction? Well, if you keep looking at your life with an "I don't have time" mindset, you'll keeping finding evidence of how you are lacking in time!

Focus on what you do want and how you might get that to happen, because when you do that you often find a pathway to getting it.

Ever been stuck for time, madly racing around and then something else really urgent pops up and suddenly you've got to fit that in too? What happens? Often you get it all done. You managed to fit it in, or you let something not so important fall by the way side.

This is because you made that urgent thing a priority.

You see, having the time to do something (like take time out) is never about time, it's about priorities!

If you are not making yourself a priority, you won't make time for your personal time out. You'll keep putting yourself last and get more and more miserable in the process. Then you'll justify it by saying, "Oh, I didn't have time for that"....and then you'll be right.

But that's not because you don't have time. We always have time. It's because you didn't make it a priority.

Shift your priorities and you will find the time...

For a great read on getting more 'you' time, check out my book 'A Parent's Guide to Balance and Getting More You Time'.


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